YELLOW-GREEN PI LLC is a film production company based in China. It was founded in 2009 by husband-and-wife team Huang Ji from China, and Otsuka Ryuji from Japan. Ji contributes to scriptwriting and directing, while Ryuji works as producer, director and cinematographer. Their teamwork, enriched by a transnational background, gives an extraordinary edge to their vision, which facilitates their collaborations with TV stations on documentary production and the studio’s self-branded feature films. In 2018, they launched AROUND YOU film workshop to discover new young talented filmmakers. Their international team’s vision is: “Through the film’s imagination, we communicate with a new generation.”

龙骥映画(北京)文化有限 公司,由来自中国的黄骥和日本的大塚龙治于2009年共同创立。黄骥和大塚龙治既是工作伙伴亦是夫妇,跨国婚姻为他们带来独特的视野和艺术见解,他们的电影深扎于现实,近年更在国际影展里屡获殊荣。这个国际团队追求“通过电影的想像力,通往新生代”,并由此发掘新的影像的可能性。