March 21, 2020
2V1 Virus short film workshop started.
二对一 疫情影像训练营已开营。
In 2018, Ji and Ryuji launched AROUND YOU film workshop to discover new young talented filmmakers. The philosophy of the workshop is to respect each student's individual style and to support their passion for filmmaking. Students will stay with us together for seven days. They will observe daily life, discovering and photographing people and things that are usually overlooked. We work one-on-one with the students, look all of the film materials they have shot and discuss about their originality. We emphasize student's "individuality," "unique perspective," and “artistry”.
During the pandemic, we will continue the workshop (change the name to 2V1 Virus short film workshop) via video chat. We will share our passion for filmmaking with young filmmakers from all over the world and help them making a short film.
2018年,黄骥和大塚龙治为发掘年轻电影作者发起了 "AROUND YOU发现身边影像训练营"。工作坊以尊重和保护每个学员的个人风格为宗旨,全力支持学员电影制作的热情。学生们在与两位导演一起度过的七天里,通过观察日常生活去拍摄以往被忽略的人和事,再结合剪辑去发现【表明的里面】。两位导演采用与学生二对一的工作方式,同学员一起观看其拍摄的所有素材,以此完整了解学员的特点、兴趣、拍摄时的心理变化,从而助学员保持其 "个性",拥有"独特的视角 ",并帮助其完成 "艺术性"的影像语言表达。